Sunday, December 12, 2010

Something i need to remember

In general, the Five of Chalices The Five
of Chalices is Disappointment or Regret, its energy is Yin, and it can
represent the sorrow and loneliness you may feel as the result of
unresolved emotional issues. The Five of Chalices acknowledges that it
is ok to grieve for the loss of what at one time may have brought you
great joy, but it asks you to remember that this pain can cause you to
grow stronger, and discover hope, perhaps through a budding friendship
or new romance. It isn't healthy to pine away for things or
people you can't have or that you may have lost, for no matter how long
you focus on them, they will still remain gone. The proverbial milk has
spilled all over the place, and there is no use in crying over it
anymore. Turn away and begin to try to move on. Now is a time
for you to try to learn to accept and integrate your regret,
heartbreak, or disappointment, for it may not be unfounded or without
reason and you can't simply shrug this one off. What has been
emptied will never be filled again in the same way or with the same
thing, but the experience can be just the beginning of something new.
Can it be something good? Well, that will be up to you. Know that what you seek is not where you are looking. It is time to deal with and eliminate some of the "baggage".

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!! It's very uplifting!

